social security

The Cab Driver and His Retirement Plan

We are in Las Vegas for our 2-Day IRA Workshop. On my way from the airport to the hotel upon arrival, my cab driver and I got into an interesting discussion on retirement plans. Is there a retirement plan for cab drivers? Does Las Vegas temptation cause many to squander retirement savings?

myRA: Analyzing the President’s Retirement Plan Proposal

So, did anything happen in President Barack Obama's State of the Union last night that we should be aware of? The President's new retirement plan proposal, called myRA, (rhymes with "IRA" when pronounced correctly - trust us, it's tough) drummed up a lot of discussion over water coolers and across the worldwide web last night and into this morning, including extremely active discussions on Twitter. So what does the proposal mean for advisors, investors and the present and future of retirement planning?

Congress’ Retirement Benefits: With Low Approval Ratings, Are They Worth It?

As I was looking for information on pension plans for our U.S. presidents, I came across information on pension plans for members of Congress, the group of individuals we elect to set tax and spending policies for our government. The same group of individuals who miss crucial deadlines for setting policies time after time after time. The same group that gives us phased-in provisions in legislation, temporary provisions that expire or are supposed to expire but get renewed over and over again.

IRAs and Social Security: Fact or Fiction?

Social Security has been a popular topic of conversation among current and soon-to-be retirees as well as Washington lawmakers as Congress tries to deal with a major deficit issue. Below we talk about some of the ties between IRAs and Social Security as well as some of the misconceptions.

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