social security

IRA Rollovers, Roth IRA Conversions and Inherited IRAs Highlight Slott Report Mailbag

This week's Slott Report Mailbag answers your questions on IRA rollovers, the Roth conversion conversation when dealing with Social Security benefits as added income, and inherited IRAs. We answer situational questions asked by individuals, couples, and parents who are searching for the best way to leave an inherited IRA to their daughters.

Social Security as a Cheap Annuity Option (Part 2 of 2)

A recent report released by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College shows that Social Security is one of, if not the cheapest annuities available (click here to see the report). "Well that doesn't make much sense" you might be saying to yourself. After all, you don’t "buy" your Social Security annuity payments right? You're simply entitled to receive them after meeting certain requirements.

Social Security as a Cheap Annuity Option (Part 1 of 2)

A recent report released by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College shows that Social Security is one of, if not the cheapest annuities available (click here to see the report). "Well that doesn’t make much sense" you might be saying to yourself. After all, you don’t "buy" your Social Security annuity payments right? You're simply entitled to receive them after meeting certain requirements.

Free Website Lists Benefits For Seniors

The National Council on Aging maintains a web tool at that can help adults over age 55 figure out which of the more than 2,000 federal, state and private benefits programs they might qualify for based on their financial situation and location.

2012 Tax Code Changes

Numerous tax changes are in store for individuals in 2012. It's very difficult, however, to write with any degree of certainty about those affecting your income taxes because Congress has shown a tendency to make retroactive changes at any point in time. A number of income tax provisions that affected individual tax payers expired at the end of 2011. See some examples below.

Required Minimum Distributions While Working? Find Out in Mailbag

This week's Slott Report Mailbag discusses some complex, timely issues involving social security benefits and required minimum distributions while working past age 70 1/2. As always, we stress the importance of working with a competent, educated financial advisor to keep your retirement nest egg safe and secure.

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