Tax Planning

What 2012 IRA, Tax, Social Security Changes Mean For YOU

Social Security and Supplementary Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries are receiving a cost of living adjustment (COLA) in 2012, the first time this has happened in several years. While this may sound like a good thing, it’s actually a “mixed bag” for a couple of reasons.

IRA, 401(k) Contribution and Income Limit Changes in 2012

Employees with higher incomes will be eligible for a tax break if they save in a traditional IRA, can contribute to a Roth IRA, or qualify for the saver's credit. That's just one piece of good news from an IRS announcement late last week. Click to read the others.

See-Through Trust Deadline Right Around The Corner

October 17th is not the only important date this month for retirement account owners. This past Monday was a date circled on the calendar of many of you. For most of you, that was the final deadline to complete a timely Roth recharacterization of a 2010 Roth IRA conversion (the deadline is now October 31st for certain individuals affected by Hurricanes Irene and Lee, or the wildfires in Texas). Click to read more about why October 31st is also a key deadline to be aware of.

Tax Relief for Hurricane Irene/Lee and the Texas Wildfires

A final, final word on the Roth recharacterization topic. In an article posted here on October 11, 2011, we mentioned that the deadline for recharacterization in certain areas affected by Hurricanes Irene and Lee and the Texas wildfires had been extended to October 31, 2011. Since then, many readers have asked what states and counties were included in this extended deadline. So, as an accommodation to these folks, we’re providing some additional information.

Last Call for Qualified Charitable Distributions?

The topic of qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) is one we have written about several times here in The Slott Report, most recently last December. Well, it’s time to write about it again as the legislation that allows QCDs is due to expire at the end of this year, absent an extension enacted by Congress. Thus, if you are or will be age 70 ½ or older by December 31, 2011, you definitely need to be aware of QCDs.

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