Tax Planning

Ed Slott’s Retirement Road Map Now Airing Nationally

Ed Slott shows how to take retirement savings on a permanent vacation from taxes and avoid Uncle Sam in his new Public Television Special, Ed Slott's Retirement Road Map! This program is filled with the ingredients that made Ed's previous programs so successful - wisdom, humor and insight, helping viewers navigate the potholes, detours and road blocks to a prosperous and worry-free retirement. Learn how to move your retirement savings from accounts that are forever taxed to accounts that are never taxed.

Academy Award Losers Win Big … But Uncle Sam Wins Even Bigger

It paid to be a loser at this year’s Academy Awards, at least for some. Instead of taking home the golden Oscar, losing nominees in the big categories – best supporting actor, best supporting actress, best actor, best actress and best director – took home some serious swag.

The Tax Consequences on Your Super Bowl XLIX Betting

If you’re one of the millions of Americans that will have some type of money riding on this weekend’s big game, your gambling wager could have both tax and IRA planning consequences. We break down what happens if you win or lose plus a prediction for Super Bowl XLIX.

Updated IRS Publications Now Available

IRS has updated several retirement-related publications. They are now available on the IRS website, under Forms and Pubs. They will all say that they are updated for 2014 so you can use them in preparing your 2014 federal income tax return. However, they also will have the current contribution limits and other necessary information for this year.

Estate Tax or Step-up in Basis…Pick One!

Today, federal estate tax has become a non-issue for all but the wealthiest of American families. As has been the case since the early 1980s, spouses can generally leave an unlimited amount of assets to one another without such a transfer being subject to estate tax. Most transfers to someone other than a spouse also avoid estate tax under current law. But will it stay that way?

IRS Releases 2014 Form 5329 to Report Certain IRA Penalties

The IRS recently released the 2014 version of Form 5329, Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts. The form, along with the accompanying instructions, is updated each year and is filed by the IRA owner to report certain penalty taxes they may owe with respect to their IRA. What are these tax penalties and how could they affect your account value?

Register for Ed Slott’s FREE Webcasts Starting Monday!

Several critical tax rules will affect financial advisors' earning potential in 2015. You need to be armed with the knowledge to both gain new business and make sure your current clients avoid costly errors. Register today for Ed's webcasts.

Counting Down to the New Year IRA-Style

Today is the last day of 2014 already. That means we’re just hours away from New Year’s Eve parties, talk of resolutions we’re not really going to keep, and perhaps, a bit of the old bubbly. And of course, no New Year’s celebration is complete without a final countdown. So with that in mind, the final 2014 Slott Report article counts down, 10 to 1, to the new year IRA-style.

A SEP IRA Does NOT Have to Be Set-up By Year-End

As we approach the end of 2014, we have been telling you about all of the things that you need to do with your retirement accounts before year-end. As if you weren’t busy enough at this time of the year, there are many things that must be done by December 31, 2014 to avoid problems and potential IRS penalties. Setting up a SEP IRA is not one of them.

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