Your 2014 Retirement Planning Building Blocks

By The Slott Report Staff
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It’s never too late (or early) to get started on your 2014 retirement planning. There are certain building blocks that Ed Slott, America’s IRA Expert, believes are the foundational keys to a successful long-term retirement plan. He goes through them in considerable detail in the IRAtv video below (click here to watch in browser), and here’s a quick-hitting list of the key building blocks.

  1. Contribute to an IRA now in 2014 (until April 15, 2014) for 2013 tax (and retirement) planning
  2. Max out your IRA contribution (remember: an extra $1,000 if you are age 50 or older)
  3. Speed up the cycle – contribute early
  4. Avoid the Roth IRA misconceptions


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