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Roth Conversion in Market Downturn: Heads You Win, Tails The Government Loses!

As you are probably aware by now, the stock market has been on a bit of a downturn as of late (to say the least). It’s no fun to lose money in the market, but if you’re investing for the long haul, losses are bound to happen from time to time. If you’re quick on your feet, however, you can turn the proverbial lemons into lemonade by taking actions now to make the most of a bad situation. Here's how.
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How to Invest in Gold in Your IRA

Have you seen or read those ads for putting gold in your IRA? They make it sound so easy. And that's the problem. In this article, we discuss the potential pitfalls and how to properly invest in gold with your IRA.
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New Rules to Know Before Moving Your IRA

If you are an IRA owner looking for the best investment option, there are new rules in 2015 that you will want to know before moving your IRA. If you make an error in your effort to maximize the return on your IRA, you may end up with your entire IRA being distributed and taxable to you.
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How Many Trustee-to-Trustee Transfers Can I Make in One Year?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag looks at the proper titling on the IRA beneficiary form - and the headaches that ensue when the beneficiary form isn't properly filled out to meet the desires of the deceased and/or their beneficiaries - and answers how many trustee-to-trustee transfers an IRA account owner can do in one year.
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Just Another Reason to Check Your Beneficiary Forms

We are all going to die someday. That is pretty much guaranteed. What is not guaranteed is who is going to inherit our “stuff?” We can use a will, a trust, and beneficiary forms. This story is about a man who did not use his beneficiary form.
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10 Facts You Need to Know About Required Minimum Distributions

If you have an IRA and you are approaching retirement age, or if you are already in retirement, you are most likely familiar with the term “required minimum distribution (RMD).” But do you know how the rules work and what they mean for you as an IRA owner? Here are 10 facts about RMDs that every IRA owner should know.
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The Definitive Guide to the “Back-Door Roth”

Chances are that, by now, you’ve heard of a retirement planning strategy known to many as the “Back-Door Roth.” But what is it? Why is it important? What are the potential traps and how can it benefit clients? In this report, we dive deep into answering each of these questions and more.
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How You Can Utilize an HSA Now to Save For Retirement

You may be familiar with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). You probably know that these tax-advantaged accounts can be used to pay for medical expenses. However, you may not be aware that these accounts can be valuable retirement savings tools.
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