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RMD, EDB’s and waivers

Permalink Submitted by Douglas Bauerband on Wed, 2024-06-19 20:14 Wow they do not make it easy. She (his mom) was 75 and taking...
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Don’t Overlook Your Beneficiary Form

You have been contributing to your IRA for years. The market is up, and you are watching those investments grow. Maybe you have rolled over funds to your IRA from your company plan. You may now have a significant balance. So far, you have taken smart steps toward a secure future. Don’t stop your careful planning there. 
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Participation in Multiple Work Plans – It Can Be Done!

It is perfectly acceptable for a person to participate in multiple work plans in the same year (even at the same time). For example, a 401(k) and a SEP. Or maybe a 401(k) and another 401(k). However, care must be taken to follow IRS contribution limits and other guidelines. Unfortunately, people try to circumvent these rules all the time.
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