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60-Day Rollovers and Multiple Checks

We continuously get questions on 60-day rollovers. Many times those questions revolve around a client receiving more than one distribution or wanting to complete the 60-day rollover with more than one distribution. Here is what you need to know.
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Inherited Roth IRA

I have a client who inherited a ROTH IRA from her father. Unfortunately her father did not survive the required...
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10 Things to Know About the Still-Working Exception

Are you approaching retirement age and not looking forward to being forced to take unwanted required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your retirement account? You may be looking for a way to delay those distributions. You may have heard about the “still-working” exception, which can allow RMDs to be put off. Will this exception help you? Here are 10 things you need to know.
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Tax Reform Proposal Unveiled

The much anticipated Republican proposal for tax reform has been released in the form of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, an over-400 page long major rewrite of the Tax Code. It is sure to be controversial and subject to political dispute, and specific provisions are likely to change. Here's how the major provisions that most matter to helping your clients read now.
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