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Gifting Roth IRA

I am contemplating distributing my Roth IRA to my children using gifts less than the $ 14000. maximum this year...
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What a Year Means When it Comes to Your IRA Rollover

The once-per-year rollover rule says that you can only roll over one IRA distribution from all of your IRAs (both traditional and Roth) in a one-year period. This is a tricky rule and many taxpayers have run into trouble with it. One area that can be very confusing is determining exactly what the definition of “year” is.
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Inherited Roth IRA

Hello, Client’s father recently passed away w/ a Trad. IRA and Roth IRA. Left each 50/50 to client and his...
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5 Retirement Savings Strategies for Younger Workers

No one can argue that the millennial generation faces big challenges when it comes to savings. Younger workers are dealing with record setting student loan debt, high housing costs and stagnant wage growth. It’s hard to save for retirement when you are worried about the next month’s rent. Here are five strategies to help younger workers get started saving for retirement.
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