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Last Minute IRA Contribution Advice

The 2016 tax-filing deadline is upon us. Are you considering making a 2016 IRA contribution? It’s not too late, but time is quickly running out. Here are some quick words of last minute advice to keep in mind as you make your contribution.
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RMD After Divorce

A married couple divorce in July of 2016. The husband age 72 is employed and has a balance of $1m...
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Sometimes It Pays to Treat Your Kids Unequally

As the father of more than one child, I understand the desire to try and treat children as equally as possible. You certainly don’t want one child to think you love him/her any less, or more, than your other children (though children will inevitably feel that way at one time or another), and you want the best for all of your children. But while children may share the same parents, may grow up in the same house and may be raised in the same manner, they are very much like snowflakes. Each one is truly unique.For those not set on a predetermined course of action when developing an estate plan, there are definitely scenarios where, from a purely financial perspective, it can pay to treat children differently. In fact, doing so can, in some cases, leave everyone with more than they would have otherwise.
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An IRA Rollover Quiz

Most people think it is easy to move their retirement assets. But is it? The following is a quick quiz. How many of these rollover questions can you get correct? The answers are at the end of the quiz.
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Inherited Ira

The more I read the more confused I get. My father-in-law has been doing conversions form Tradition to Roth for...
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After Tax IRA

A client has an IRA that is completely funded by non-deductible contributions (they were phased out of a deductible contribution...
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