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RMD Rules for IRA Beneficiaries: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question:Hi,My last remaining parent, my mother, passed away in May 2017, and my younger brother and I inherited her IRA (equally split into inherited IRA accounts). We were of the understanding we could handle required minimum distributions (RMDs) via the “stretch IRA” method (RMDs spread out over our expected lifetime). The new laws that went into place in 2020 and 2022 have us wondering if we must change what we are doing. Can you please help us with this question?
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Two Cautions When Doing a Backdoor Roth Conversion

You might be thinking about contributing to a Roth IRA. One big hurdle to making these contributions is the fact that there are income limits that make high income individuals ineligible. For 2024, the phase out range for eligibility for Roth IRA contribution is between $230,000 - $240,000 for those who are married filing jointly and between $146,000 - $161,000 for single filers.
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Back door IRA TO ROTH

After establishing back door IRA HOW LONG YOU HAVE TO WAIT BEFORE CONVERTING TO ROTH? For tax purpose are other...
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What is Retirement? Fantasy vs. Reality

Three times a week, every week, we add to the Slott Report. Two article entries and a mailbag. All factual, measurable information. “This is what to consider when you name a trust as your beneficiary.” “How much can a sole proprietor contribute to a SEP account?” “This is how you fix an excess IRA contribution.” On and on it goes. All excellent, helpful material.
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