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Can I Move Money From My Pre-Tax 401(k) to a Post-Tax Account?

Intricate questions to kick off the new year. One consumer has a question about moving pre-tax money to post-tax accounts, while another is getting conflicting answers about utilizing his IRA for ministry housing. Finally, we answer a question on what's sure to be a popular topic in 2016, the tax reporting of hard-to-value IRA assets.
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Are You Bringing Home The Bacon in Retirement?

There are two major differences between saving for retirement and eating bacon. Bacon is bad for you and saving is regarded as good for you. Yet most of us eat bacon regularly and don’t save. Beverly DeVeny explains how you can have your bacon... and eat it too.
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Successor IRA

Husband birth date 11/3/1936 date of death 9/30/2002 Wife inherited IRA & kept it as a bene IRA birth date...
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Six 2016 Retirement Account Rule Changes You Need to Know

A new year brings new retirement account rule changes. IRA Analyst Sarah Brenner dissects six retirement account rule changes that you need to know. Everything from qualified chartiable distributions (they are back!) to SIMPLE IRAs and expanded penalty-free distributions for higher education expenses are discussed.
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Client was self employed for most of 2015. We opened a solo 401K to max his contribution for the year....
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