If you have an IRA and you are approaching retirement age, or if you are already in retirement, you are most likely familiar with the term “required minimum distribution (RMD).” But do you know how the rules work and what they mean for you as an IRA owner? Here are 10 facts about RMDs that every IRA owner should know.
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Single Life Expectancy Table for Inherited IRAs Can someone explain how to use this table? Designated beneficiaries use this Single...
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I am aware that you have to take RMDs if still working at an employer where you have a SIMPLE...
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Hello Everyone, Can anyone provide background on this bill (H.R.2146 or P.L.114-26) and answer these few questions: 1. Is the...
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Client has 3 step children. She did not adopt them. a. When she passes, is the tax consequence on the...
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IRA Discussion Forum We wondered if you knew anything about electing age 25 on a UTMA custodial account in Washington...
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Hi, I am well under age 59.5 and have done some Roth conversions in the past couple years. Based on...
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Chances are that, by now, you’ve heard of a retirement planning strategy known to many as the “Back-Door Roth.” But what is it? Why is it important? What are the potential traps and how can it benefit clients? In this report, we dive deep into answering each of these questions and more.
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Deceased widow named her Estate as a beneficiary. Probate was held up for over a year due to a few...
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There are very few things an IRA cannot invest in. Those are collectibles, life insurance and S Corp stock. An IRA can invest in just about anything else. The key word here is that the IRA can invest in an asset. Here is the story of an investment gone wrong.
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