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5 Exceptions to the One-Per-Year 60-Day Rollover Rule

Beginning in 2015, individuals are only allowed to do one 60-day rollover in a year. A 60-day rollover is when a distribution is issued payable to the account owner. They can cash the check or they can spend funds that were deposited into a bank or other type of account. In this article, we asses 5 exceptions to the one-per-year 60-day IRA rollover rule and provide three examples.
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Do You Know Who Will Inherit Your IRA?

You have contributed to your IRA for years. You have made wise and thoughtful investments. Maybe you have rolled over funds to your IRA from your company plan. You may now have a significant balance. So far, you have taken smart steps toward a secure future. Don’t stop your careful planning there. It is time to ask yourself an important question, “Who will inherit my IRA?”
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