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Can you recharacterize contributions after 4/15?

Note that I am specifically referring to recharacterizing annual contributions NOT conversions or rollovers which are specifically allowed until 8/15:
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5 Ways to Help the Moms In Your Life Get Ready for Retirement

Mother’s Day 2015 is over, but you can help the moms in your life get ready for retirement every day. Women typically earn less than men for the same job and have fewer years in the workforce. That makes it all the more important for women to use every opportunity they have to save for retirement. Here are five ways you can help.
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pro rata rule

The following question and answer were posted on the Slott Report: Question: My husband recently opened a non-deductible IRA and...
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Should I Name a Trust as My IRA Beneficiary?

This week's Slott Report Mailbag, proudly sponsored by GoldCo Precious Metals, includes questions on how the pro-rata rule affects pre-tax and tax-free IRA money and how and when you should use trusts as IRA beneficiaries.
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