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non deductable IRA

I have a client that comingled deductable and nondeductable IRA contributions into one mutual fund. Is it possible to transfer...
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Retired individual age 66 has funds in a 403b some in pre-tax which he wants to roll in a traditional...
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Updated IRS Publications Now Available

IRS has updated several retirement-related publications. They are now available on the IRS website, under Forms and Pubs. They will all say that they are updated for 2014 so you can use them in preparing your 2014 federal income tax return. However, they also will have the current contribution limits and other necessary information for this year.
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Estate Tax or Step-up in Basis…Pick One!

Today, federal estate tax has become a non-issue for all but the wealthiest of American families. As has been the case since the early 1980s, spouses can generally leave an unlimited amount of assets to one another without such a transfer being subject to estate tax. Most transfers to someone other than a spouse also avoid estate tax under current law. But will it stay that way?
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The Process of Moving Company Plan Funds to a Roth IRA

When we think of retirement plan rollovers, we usually think about moving money between IRAs, or moving money from a company retirement plan to an IRA on a tax-free basis. For example, if you properly roll over money within 60 days from your IRA to another IRA or from your Roth IRA to another Roth IRA, the rollover is tax-free. Or maybe you retired and rolled over your 401(k) funds to your IRA. That rollover is also tax-free. But there is one type of rollover that is taxable.
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