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January 2015

Top IRA Rulings of 2014
• The Bobrow Decision and
the “New” Once-Per-Year
Rollover Rule
• Post-Bobrow Takeaways for
• IRS Answers Some Questions
in Post-Bobrow Guidance,


Year-End RMD Question: Can I Transfer my Traditional IRA RMD to a Roth?

The major Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) announcement pushed off last week's Slott Report Mailbag until this week, and it couldn't come at a better time. With 2014 hanging on by its coattails, year-end retirement planning is nearing its conclusion. In crunch time, advisors and consumers are asking specific questions about taking required minimum distributions (RMDs). It's only fitting that we received two questions on the topic this week.
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QCDs for 2014? Yes, They are NOW Available

Congress has passed the “extenders bill” for 2014 (the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014). President Barack Obama will sign the bill into law shortly. This bill revived qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) for 2014 only. The clock is ticking, so find out that this means for QCDs in 2014.
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A SEP IRA Does NOT Have to Be Set-up By Year-End

As we approach the end of 2014, we have been telling you about all of the things that you need to do with your retirement accounts before year-end. As if you weren’t busy enough at this time of the year, there are many things that must be done by December 31, 2014 to avoid problems and potential IRS penalties. Setting up a SEP IRA is not one of them.
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