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November 2014

IRA Owner’s Attempt to
Circumvent Custodian’s
Direct Real Estate
Investment Prohibition
Court Rules IRA Funds
Protected in Bankruptcy
After Distribution
Guest IRA Expert
Natalie Choate,


Can an IRA Distribution Cover My 403(b) RMD?

In this week's Slott Report Mailbag, we answer questions on if you can cover your employer plan RMD (required minimum distribution) with an IRA distribution, the rules governing 401(k)-to-IRA rollovers and the logistics of setting up your IRA for three beneficiaries.
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Your Roth IRA Calculator May Be Lying to You

If you've ever questioned whether a Roth IRA contribution or conversion was right for you or not, then chances are you've wondered if there was a simple calculator that could take all your pertinent data, analyze it, and then, like a “Magic 8 Ball" of Roth planning, spit out a definitive "yes" or "no," telling you what the correct course of action is. But is it possible that the calculator is lying to you?
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IRS Waives 60-Day IRA Rollover Rule Due to Taxpayer’s Medical Condition

A taxpayer's mental illness kept him from understanding how to proceed when his former bank decided to close his accounts and distribute all of his IRA funds. After his death, the widow realized she had unintentionally deposited the IRA funds into a non-IRA account. She filed a Private Letter Ruling (PLR) with IRS to rectify the issue. What did IRS decide?
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