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How to Pay Your IRA Fees

The financial institution where you have your IRA, what we call your IRA custodian, is allowed to charge fees for maintaining and administering your IRA. If there are any fees associated with your IRA, they must be disclosed to you. The fees are usually listed in the IRA disclosure statement, which is one of the documents you received when you opened your IRA. IRA fees are usually in two broad categories: administrative fees and sales commissions Below we explain how to pay these different types of fees.
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A Tale of Two Spouses Inheriting IRAs

Ann and Zelda are both 72 years young and now widows after their 74-year-old spouses died this year. Both inherited an IRA from their spouse in the amount of $100,000. Ann’s advisor had her move the funds to an inherited IRA. The account is titled Alan, deceased, IRA fbo Ann. Zelda’s advisor had her move the funds into an IRA in Zelda’s name. The account is titled Zelda’s IRA. There age and circumstances are where the similarities end. Click to read about their different stories.
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rmd / death benefit

Case: 75 y.o wife is deceased’s sole beneficiary of his IRA. 75 y.o. husband died in June after fulfilling 1/2...
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5 Questions Commonly Asked by 401(k) Participants

On Monday, we will be celebrating Labor Day, a holiday established to pay tribute to the American workforce. Much of that workforce has access to some type of employer plan and, for more than 50 million workers, that plan is a 401(k) plan. So, with that in mind and in honor of Labor Day, this week we take a look at 5 answers to questions commonly asked by 401(k) participants.
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