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after 60 days

A client took out $60k from an IRA and didn’t get it back w/in the 60 day period. Her accountant...
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Use the Right Value for IRA Annuity RMDs and Conversions

IRA valuation is critical when determining your required minimum distributions (RMDs), which are based on the prior year-end fair market value (FMV) of IRA assets. It is also critical for Roth conversions, because the resulting tax bill is based on the FMV of your IRA assets on the date of your conversion. Valuing certain deferred annuities owned inside your IRA can be tricky, though. We explain in more detail below.
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Early Roth Withdrawal

Roth account has balance of $34,000. Originally opened in 1998. Owner, under 59, wants to withdraw the total account balance....
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The Top 10 Roth Conversion Mistakes

We end Roth Conversion Week with a list you never want to be on. Roth conversions are powerful, tax-free retirement vehicles if handled correctly, but if a mistake is made, you may owe a good portion of your hard-earned savings to taxes and penalties. Here's a list of the Top 10 Roth IRA (and conversion) mistakes you must avoid.
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