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April 1st IRA Required Beginning Date Deadline for RMDs

If someone who turned age 70 1/2 did NOT take their first mandatory required minimum distribution (RMD) last year, they MUST take it by today (April 1) as well as their 2014 RMD by year end. Levine discusses the nuts and bolts of what you need to know in the video below.
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A Taste of Income Tax History

The 2014 tax season is quickly coming to a close and chances are you either have grumbled over your tax bill, or soon will. The question is, when you do that, should you be longing for “the good ol’ days” when taxes were lower, or should you be counting your blessings that you have today’s tax rates to contend with and not those of years’ past? In all likelihood, a little bit of both is true. Click to read about the history of income tax in America.
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IRA Survey Shows People Spend More Time Choosing a Restaurant Than Planning IRAs

The latest TIAA-CREF survey finds that fewer than 1 in 5 Americas are contributing to an IRA, potentially missing tax and savings benefits. The survey, conducted by an independent research firm between February 13-16, 2014, showed that just 17% of respondents contributed or were contributing to an IRA in 2014 - down from 19% last year and 22% in 2012.
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