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A lady is 68 years old (1 year 3 months) older that her late husband. He passed away and left...
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SIMPLE match

Employer is setting up a SIMPLE effective 4-1-2013 and making a 3% matching contribution.If employee choses to contribute 10% into...
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Inherited IRA

I am in the process of helping a client with an issue he has run into with an Inherited IRA....
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Be Careful How You Mail Tax Return and IRA Contributions

Have you ever been to the post office on April 15th? If not, I wouldn't recommend it. It's a zoo. Chances are that if you ever make such a trip, the lines will be long and the wait even longer. Why? Because all the last-minute procrastinators are there to send out their tax returns. Click to find out how to avoid this rush.
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Your Age 70 1/2 RMD Required Beginning Date

If you were age 70 ½ last year (in 2013), April 1, 2014 is an important deadline for taking your 2013 IRA required minimum distribution (RMD). The tax code refers to this April 1st deadline as your required beginning date (RBD).
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The 60-Day IRA Rollover: What Can Go Wrong

We are constantly saying that you should not do a 60-day rollover unless it is absolutely necessary. Here is a perfect example of why that's the case. The following story comes from a recent private letter ruling issued by IRS. It details some of the many ways a 60-day rollover can go horribly wrong.
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