I understand that Form 8606 is used to track the basis (i.e., non-deductible/after-tax contributions) in a traditional IRA. OK. However,...
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After the death of an owner of an IRA, what are the options for a non-spousal beneficiary?
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Client (Jane, Age 75) is re-doing her estate plan. Client has a daughter (Kathy, age 50s) who is a spend...
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I am now 72 years old. I retired from a state government agency last year with a DCP 457 account...
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Are you thinking about making a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRA plan contribution for 2023? If so, here are 6 rules you need to know.
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WHAT is best way to pass IRA account via will or beneficiary designation or trust as beneficiary pros and cons...
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Client age 65 opened a Roth IRA in 2019. In 2021 due to potential identity theft had custodian transfer the...
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I apologize, for this may have been covered ad nauseum in other threads, but I don’t know that I understand...
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I don’t come across HR 10 or Employee Pension Plans (which includes investment sub-accounts) often. The HR 10 account has...
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If an individual has both an IRA and a 401(k) and wants to convert the IRA to a Roth IRA, does he have to take both the IRA and the 401(k) RMD (required minimum distribution) before doing a Roth conversion?
Thanks for your kind attention.
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