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IRS Issues Helpful Guidance on Roth 401(k) Employer Contributions

On December 20, 2023, the IRS issued Notice 2024-02, which includes guidance on 12 provisions of the SECURE 2.0 legislation. The December 27 Slott Report, written by Sarah Brenner, has a summary of the guidance on several of those provisions. This article will address the guidance on Roth employer contributions to 401(k) and other plans.
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I can see the logic ( tax revenue ) of a “Noneligible Designated Beneficiary” having to fully distribute all assets...
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Peak 65 and Your IRA

In 2024, more Americans than ever before will reach age 65. By this summer, 12,000 baby boomers will celebrate their 65th birthday each day. This demographic milestone has been called “Peak 65.” If you are in this group, what does Peak 65 mean for your IRA?
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