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Don’t Pledge Your IRA For Any Loans

Most of us have loans of some sort, whether it's a mortgage on our home, a car loan, student loan, etc. Or maybe you're thinking about applying for a new loan. In order to get the loan, the bank or other lending institution might require you to have some collateral or pledge some assets as security for the loan. However, if you have an IRA, you can’t use it as collateral for any personal loans.
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Prohibited Transactions Can Come Back to Haunt You

Two individuals wanted to purchase a business together. They set up self-directed IRAs and a corporation to hold the business. The self-directed IRAs purchased the shares of the new company, which then purchased an ongoing business. The purchase of the business was partly funded with loans that were personally guaranteed by the two individuals.
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IRA Distribution Tables: Fact or Fiction

The IRA distribution tables can be confounding to the average retiree. What table should I be using? How do I calculate my RMD (required minimum distribution)? We look at several different scenarios and provide the facts and common misconceptions involving the IRA distribution tables.
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Employer-Sponsored IRAs: A Retirement Plan with Unique Advantages

If a business owner is considering starting a retirement plan for himself and his employees, he may want to consider an employer-sponsored IRA. While employer-sponsored IRAs are not very well known, even to many tax pros and CPAs, they offer some unique advantages from other employer retirement plans.
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Inherited IRA: When Do You Own It?

If you inherit the IRA of an individual who has a required distribution for the year, you – as the beneficiary – must take any remaining required minimum distribution (RMD). Here is a situation that deals with this issue. John and Sue were both 75 years old last year. They both took their RMDs for the year. John died early in December. Sue was his beneficiary. She rolled his IRA into her own IRA in January. The question was – “What is Sue’s RMD for this year?"
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