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Tax Time 1040 Madness

With just 5 days left in the 2013 tax season, you might be scrambling to prepare your tax returns at the last minute, but as you go to reach for that 1040, here’s the question… which one? Yes, believe it or not, there are actually many different 1040 options available to you. Which one you should use depends on a number of factors, such as your filing status, your residency/citizenship status, the credits and deductions you’re eligible to claim and even how much taxable income you have!
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Technical Experts

  Beverly DeVeny, Director of Retirement Education Beverly DeVeny is an IRA distribution expert and the Director of Retirement Education...
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IRA Bankruptcy Exemption Amount Increases

As of April 1, 2013, the maximum bankruptcy exemption amount for IRAs increased from $1,171,650 to $1,245,475. This exemption amount is subject to cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs). Since most Americans don’t have IRA balances anywhere near $1 million, the IRAs of almost everyone will be fully protected from their creditors if they declare bankruptcy.
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Filling out 8606

Earlier this year I rolled my entire traditional IRA into my 401K. Since then I made a $6,000 after tax...
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