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Making Life Difficult For Your IRA Beneficiary

An IRA account owner is trying to keep things simple or just does not get around to changing a beneficiary form. Only one person ends up being named on the beneficiary form. The account owner exacts a promise from that person that they will make sure that the account is split between all the children, or all the grandchildren, or all the siblings or whoever is important to the account owner. The unwitting beneficiary agrees to this since, after all, it is only fair that the account be split.
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NUA before 59 1/2

Client is currently 58 and is considering retiring next spring when he will be 58 1/2. He has worked with...
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SEPP 72(t)

Good Afternoon Please help with the following case [b]FACTS[/b] An indvidual, age 54, took early retirement; receiving his initial pension...
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Roth Conversion Tax, Inherited IRA and RMD Questions Highlight Slott Report Mailbag

As crisp temperatures and autumn colors cascade through our neighborhoods, people start eying year-end IRA and tax planning. We saw it in this week's Slott Report Mailbag with questions about a Roth conversion and paying the tax associated with it, distributions from inherited IRAs and the rules regarding what you can and can't do with RMDs (required minimum distributions).
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IRA, Retirement and Tax Planning Limericks

Retirement planning is a serious issue, a technical issue, one that involves very intricate terminology and an advanced, educated financial team to make sense of it all. But, sometimes, the basics can be broken down in interesting ways, hence The Slott Report's IRA, retirement and tax planning limericks.
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Hurricane Issac and IRAs

Hurricane Isaac, which began on August 26, 2012, did considerable flooding and wind damage to parts of the U.S., especially Louisiana and Mississippi. Some areas in those states were declared federal disaster areas by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
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RMD after death

Hoping I can get some advice here. My dad passed away in August 2012 at the age of 72. From...
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