Almost all IRA owners will name a primary beneficiary of their IRA; usually some person who will receive your IRA assets after you die, such as your wife or husband or children. Virtually all IRA custodians will also allow you to name a contingent beneficiary.
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Like many Advisors, I take a comprehensive/relationship approach with my clients. Many clients have significant IRA/401K assets and have stated...
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I have a client whose deceased husband was over age 70 1/2 and had previously taken RMDs as required from...
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Ed Slott, America's IRA Expert, details the IRA rollover rules and procedures so you can avoid needless taxes and penalties on your rollovers from employer plans (401(k)s for example) to IRAs or from one IRA to another IRA. Ed Slott takes you through the steps to IRA rollover success! View this IRAtv video below.
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Let's assume you have an IRA or retirement plan or annuity or even life insurance. All of those things have a beneficiary form. They do not pass through your will and they are not probate assets as long as you have completed or updated the beneficiary form.
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I’ve been reading the Discussion Forum history here and elsewhere and there still seems to be some conflicting information and...
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So my GF needs to take money from her IRA to pay for grad school because she can’t get financial...
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Can you believe summer is almost over? Yet, The Slott Report Mailbag was full of pertinent IRA and retirement planning questions from consumers who are trying to make the right decisions as the dog days rapidly turn into fall. This week's installment includes questions (and our answers) on the 60-day deadline on Roth IRA rollovers, 10% penalty exceptions and Roth IRA conversions.
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Per previous postings, employers are not recognizing IRS Notice 2009-68 yet. As such, the distribution to the trust account will...
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Can you believe it? We're now 7 full months into 2012 already. And while there's more fun in the sun to be had before summer comes to an end, August has traditionally signaled the start of the back to school season. With that in mind, we thought we'd spend a little time talking about the educational expense exception to the 10% penalty.
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