WE have a client who wants to roll over his 401(k) to an IRA. The 401(k) has pretax and after-tax...
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I’m having difficulty finding the answer to the following question: A person inherits an IRA, has the funds put into...
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Ed Slott answers a question from a consumer in Florida about whether he can move money from his Roth IRA to a company-sponsored Roth 401(k). This video describes the differences between the two accounts and answers the question about transferring funds.
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Wills have been around for a long time. The oldest known will was found in a tomb in Egypt and dates to 2548 BC. It doesn't matter if you are young, old, or in-between; if you own property - you need a will.
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When our old employer sold the hospital where we work , to a new organization, our vested interest was assured...
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Hello, For an unincorporated business (self employed) that wants to offer a SEP-IRA: 1. Assume for an LLC with just...
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Same Facts below apply to both IRA Annuity #1 and IRA Annuity #2 held by the same decedent who was...
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We have a client that has an old 401K at Fidelity with about $350,000 in it. On Fidelity’s website it...
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A maintains an IRA with a well-known investment firm. He has no spouse and has already started taking his distributions....
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This week's Slott Report Mailbag includes questions on some of our most-discussed topics, including 60-Day IRA Rollovers and the Roth IRA 5-year rules for distributions. These are delicate areas filled with penalty traps, so make sure you use the answers below as a guide and contact a competent, educated financial advisor to steer you around the landmines of taxes and penalties.
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