This week's Slott Report Mailbag includes questions (and our answers) on the Roth IRA conversion limits, Roth recharacterizations and paying tax on a 2010 Roth conversion, and how a spouse should handle an inherited IRA.
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Our client’s attorney is drafting a conduit IRA trust. I have three questions: 1. They state that the RMD must...
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Good Afternoon, I have questions regarding the “RMD” flow and accompanying tax reporting upon look-through trust being the named beneficiary....
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You will receive various questions as the tax deadline draws near, and a popular one involving IRAs goes something like: "Can I still recharacterize my 2010 Roth IRA conversion?" Many people will realize that they must begin to pay taxes on this conversion this year, and some will ask if the conversion can be undone, especially if he or she doesn't have the money to pay the tax. The answer and advice you need to give can be found in the below video from our YouTube page, IRAtv.
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Today is the last day of February, so there's a good chance that unless you've already done so, you're about ready to go into full tax return mode – gathering your documents, pulling together your receipts and making a list of all those charitable contributions you're going to tell your CPA you made. And while getting your tax return filed on time is important, it's also important to keep one eye on the future, planning ahead so that future tax returns are less painful than they otherwise might be.
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Using the beneficiary stretch option to ultimately consolidate all funds into one inherited IRA for each beneficiary. Problem – deceased...
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You have a 401K with an employer and the employer was the only one making the contributions (Safe Harbor) and...
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Numerous tax changes are in store for individuals in 2012. It's very difficult, however, to write with any degree of certainty about those affecting your income taxes because Congress has shown a tendency to make retroactive changes at any point in time. A number of income tax provisions that affected individual tax payers expired at the end of 2011. See some examples below.
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All, I am having extreme difficulty in obtaining an answer to the following: Does a 401(k) participant have the ability...
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Sir/Madam, My client was born in July 1940 so he turned 70 1/2 in Jan 2011 and his required beginning...
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