The 401-k Plan Administrator recognises the option of NUA in a LSD planned when the owner turns 70. However, the...
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IRS released proposed regulations regarding the establishment of "qualified longevity annuity contracts" (QLACs) on Friday February 3, 2012. The new QLAC rules will allow you to purchase certain annuity contracts with a portion of your retirement assets that you will be able to exclude from your required minimum distribution (RMD) calculations.
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Ed Slott, America's IRA Expert, talks about a once-proposed (and recently dropped) provision in the Highway Investment Job Creation and Economic Growth Act of 2012 that would have destroyed the Stretch (inherited) IRA. This provision would have killed a financial legacy for beneficiaries. Ed Slott discusses the provision and how it indicates Congress' line of thinking with IRAs, and more specifically, Stretch IRAs. He also mentions proactive planning strategies to simulate the benefits of a Stretch IRA.
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If you open a Roth IRA after age 591/2 does the five year rule apply for distributions? I have heard...
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If you open a Roth IRA after age 591/2 does the five year rule apply for distributions? I have heard...
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Ed Slott discusses a provision in President Barack Obama's budget proposal that would eliminate required minimum distributions (RMDs) for certain seniors. Ed discusses the makeup of this provision, who it would benefit and how it would be enforced in this video
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Sometimes, you want to leave your IRA to a minor beneficiary but don't trust him or her to leave the inheritance alone once they turn legal age. One way around this is to use a trust. Ed Slott, America's IRA Expert, answers a listener's question about this very topic and provides some information on how to go through the process properly as well as the pros and cons.
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It is becoming more and more evident that in order to have an adequate income in retirement, at least some of your income is going to have to come from your savings. Don’t overlook the ability to make IRA contributions to supplement other retirement savings you might have. You have until April 17, 2012 to make a contribution for 2011. Below are some frequently asked questions and our answers.
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Client has a substantial sum of after tax contributions in his company plan that are clearly deliniated on his year...
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This week's Slott Report Mailbag includes your questions (and our answers) on IRA contribution limits, Roth IRA distribution rules and using the pro-rata rule.
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