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Last Call for Qualified Charitable Distributions?

The topic of qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) is one we have written about several times here in The Slott Report, most recently last December. Well, it’s time to write about it again as the legislation that allows QCDs is due to expire at the end of this year, absent an extension enacted by Congress. Thus, if you are or will be age 70 ½ or older by December 31, 2011, you definitely need to be aware of QCDs.
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Locating Your Missing IRA Beneficiary Form

We have written many times on the importance of completing and filing a designated beneficiary form for all of your IRAs. If no designated beneficiary form is filed with your IRA custodian, or if one cannot be located, the identity of your beneficiary will be governed by default language contained in the IRA agreement, if any. Leaving to chance what may be the most critical aspect of your family’s financial future is not a smart planning move.
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Recharacterization: What Amount Goes On The Form?

You are going to see a lot of information on the recharacterization deadline for 2010 Roth conversions, which is rapidly approaching, so you should be able to figure out what you need to do to accomplish a recharacterization. I want to answer the most crucial question for you, the one that confuses many people, and the one that is left out of most articles. When the form says how much do you want to recharacterize, what do you put down?
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