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Income in Respect of a Decedent (IRD) History

IRD is taxable income that was earned but not received by an individual prior to his or her death. It is taxed in the same manner to the recipient as it would have been to the decedent had he or she lived to collect it. Good examples of IRD include deferred compensation, series EE savings bonds and date of death balances in IRAs and other tax-deferred retirement plans, just to name a few.
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401(k) Beneficiary Form is Trumped by Spouse; Disinherting Children

In a recent case, the US District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana ruled that despite having previously named his three children as beneficiaries of his 401(k) plan, Leonard Kidder's 401(k) balance would pass to his new wife. The Court's ruling illustrates just how difficult it can be to remove a spouse as the beneficiary of an ERISA governed plan, such as a 401(k).
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