Can a spouse move the other spouses Roth IRA into their own Roth IRA after death. I know this is...
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Hi, wanted to get some perspective on a somewhat complex situation. My father died (intestate and single) in IL in...
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I have a client who passed away. But while he was still alive he received fairly extensive medical treatment. He...
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After my mom passed, 2 IRA’s were divided into 6 IRA holding accounts. The RMD was not taken in year...
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When does the beneficiary form not trump all? IRA Technical Consultant Jeffrey Levine wrote an article this week for Producer's eSource about a court case (Cajun Industries, LLC vs. Korbert Kidder, et al.) in which a plan participant's second marriage inadvertently disinherited the children from receiving all of the retirement account savings.
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I have seen answers on here from alanoniras as to whether you are able to do a trustee to trustee...
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Let me start out by saying there is no such thing as a hardship withdrawal from an IRA. An IRA owner generally has unlimited access to their IRA funds for any reason whatsoever (unless they are in an investment that limits their access). There is no age restriction on taking a withdrawal from the IRA. So, there is no need to prove a hardship. So, there is no need to prove a hardship. BUT, if you do take a withdrawal before you are age 59 ½, then there is an extra tax to pay.
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A couple of questions for Alan: 1) Just want to make sure…after 70 1/2 as long as you take RMD...
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Is there any reason to keep an IRA that contains mostly after-tax contributions separate from an IRA that is all...
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I have a client who’s brother recently died. He had unfortunately left his 401k beneficiary as his estate. The deceased...
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