When is the percent of after-tax dollars determined on a Roth conversion? Is it at the time of the conversion...
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Your client is over 70 ½ and is still working. Does he have to take an RMD? The answer is, it depends.
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I plan on completing an in service After Tax 401K to TIRA and Roth indirect conversion. First I request my...
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Does the income limit for Roth Conversion go away permanently after this year?
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Child has earned income but uses the income for bills. Can parent make the Roth deposit for child from parent’s...
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I saved a draft of my intended reply to a posted topic since it was incomplete. How do I access...
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An advisor I work with has a client who has an $500,000 IRA and $3,300,000 vested balance in his former...
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IRAs, IRAs, IRAs. We have a full plate (leftovers from Thanksgiving) of IRA questions in this week's Mailbag. These questions touch on topics such as SEP IRAs, inherited IRAs and naming the trust as the beneficiary of IRAs.
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Can the bene of an IRA liquidate the balance in the year of death and have the taxes paid by...
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IRS has released guidance on the conversion of 401(k) and 403(b) plan assets to Roth 401(k) or Roth 403(b) accounts in Notice 2010-84. This guidance also applies to governmental 457(b) plans beginning January 1, 2011. Here are the highlights: Plan participants, spouses, and alternate payees who are current or former spouses can do the in-plan Roth conversion.
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