Remember coronavirus-related distributions, or “CRDs”? Passed as part of the
CARES Act in March 2020, CRDs were special distributions designed to help people who contracted COVID or had financial hardship caused by the pandemic. IRA owners or company plan participants who qualified as “affected individuals” could take CRDs of up to a total of $100,000 anytime during 2020.
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Wife currently age 75 inherited deceased husband’s 457 back in 2016. Husband’s age (if still alive) would be 69. She...
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I had an uncle pass away this year and left me his IRA. At the instruction from the custodian, I...
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You may have noticed grocery stores stocking up for Thanksgiving, and festive lights and displays going up everywhere. Yes, it is the holiday season, but it is also the season to take required minimum distributions (RMDs). One question we have been getting a lot this year involves RMDs when IRA investments are not liquid.
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Client passed away at age 75 with a Trad IRA in RMD stage. His trust was 100% prim beneficiary and...
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If an employee makes an after-tax contribution in their 401k and the plan allows them to convert the after-tax contribution...
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In 2020 and 2021, when I was over 65 years old, I converted some of my IRA into a Roth IRA. Does the five-year rule still apply to me, or can I now draw out all of the Roth IRA without any tax consequences?
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We are closing very soon on a home purchase and will then put our current mortgage free home on the...
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This question is not really related to IRA’s, but about gifting to relatives or actually anyone. I know there are...
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An advisor called and said his 75-year-old client had just passed away. He had questions about the payout rules applicable to the three IRAs the client left behind: a traditional IRA, a Roth IRA, and an inherited IRA from his sister. I asked who the beneficiaries were.
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