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Need to Know: Roth Conversions and Pro-Rata Rule

One of the main things to consider when thinking about making a Roth conversion is the pro-rata rule. When an IRA contains both non-deductible and deductible funds then each dollar withdrawn from the IRA will contain a percentage of tax-free and taxable funds.
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Pros & Cons of Roth Conversion

There has been a lot written about converting from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA particularly in light of the law change taking effect on January 1st, 2010 which will permanently eliminate the conversion restrictions and allow everyone to convert. You have likely read about this in past articles at The Slott Report.We thought we would provide some simple pros and cons for you to consider.
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Multiple 72T accounts

If we set up multiple 72t accounts (each with its own calculation and distribution, so they are not aggregated) and...
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Calculating RMD’s

In the general situation, plan participants calculate RMD’s by using prior year end IRA and QRP balances and divide by...
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