Former Client has a 401k. He just left employment there. He is purchasing some farmland. Therefore there will be an...
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New client retired, says she can ” transfer” from her IRA to her HSA. She says she is capped at...
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When an IRA owner dies, we look to the beneficiary form to determine who should receive the IRA funds. After death, there is a transition process as assets are moved into an inherited IRA for the beneficiary. But what if the beneficiary dies after the death of the original IRA owner, but prior to claiming the account?
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Are you familiar with Roth IRAs? If you’re not, you should be, because Roth IRAs are a great way to get tax-free income after you retire.
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Was just reading the July newsletter. Sounds a lot like the old rule where you started with the beneficiary’s age...
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I am 84 years old. My adult children (ages 51 and 58) are equal beneficiaries of my Roth Ira. I...
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Husband died in 2018, after his RBD. His wife, suffering from dementia, never filed a beneficiary claim to transfer the...
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I am involved with a traditional non-spouse inherited IRA that was passed from my mother to myself and two siblings in 2022. My mother was 84 when she passed and was taking RMDs.
I understand the new legislation passed under the SECURE Act requires any such traditional inherited IRA requires full distribution by the end of the 10-year period following her death. I fully understand the law change.
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Hi there! Want to bounce this off of someone for clarification please. Original owner died 4/2/2020 and was taking RMDs....
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Client is over 59.5 and has a total of $67,000 that he is intending to roll into his ROTH. This...
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