It looks like IRA owners will probably have to wait awhile to take advantage of a new program that allows them to self-correct IRA errors that previously couldn’t be fixed. In Notice 2023-43, the IRS said that self-correction for IRAs can’t be used until the IRS issues rules for the new program. And those rules aren’t required to be issued until the end of December 2024.
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I have a client who retired in his early 50’s. He has low basis stock that is currently eligible for...
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A friend will be 81 this year and her sister died in 2022 and left her $2.3M IRA to this...
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Son is designated beneficiary of his father’s 403(b). His father inherited the 403B from his spouse when she died in...
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In 2021, my wife inherited an IRA from her sister who was 4 years younger. My wife therefore is an EDB (eligible designated beneficiary). Her sister was 66 years old at date of death. My wife has been taking RMDs based on her own age. What happens when my wife dies? Do all the following beneficiaries have 10 years to deplete the inherited IRA? Are there RMDs that need to be taken each year for those beneficiaries? If so, is the RMD based on the factor that my wife was using?
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Roth IRAs: Not Always the Right Move
- No Contribution Allowed
- Reasons Not to Convert
- Inability to Pay the Tax Bill
- Immediate Financial Needs
- Exposure to Stealth Taxes
- Losing Financial Aid
- Missing Out on Future Tax Breaks
- Charity as the Beneficiary
- Roth Skeptics
- A Nuanced Approach to Roth IRAs
Executive Summary
IRS Cracks Down on NFTs in IRAs
- IRAs Invested in Collectibles
- IRS Notice 2023-27
- NFTs in Roth IRAs
- Prohibited Transaction Risk
- Conclusion
A couple of questions regarding Roth IRA excesses from 2021, 2022, and 2023: 1. I have excess from 2021 that...
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I got into some poison ivy and am suffering the consequences. It takes a few days for the welts to appear, but they are in full bloom. While I did take precautions before starting my yardwork (gloves, long sleeve shirt, etc.), in retrospect I could have been more careful. The frustrating part is, there isn’t a whole lot you can do once the swelling appears. Ice, some anti-itch spray, try not to scratch too much, and just methodically work through this incredibly uncomfortable irritation.
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Advisors should take advantage of today’s low tax rates — and “do Roth conversions while taxes are on sale!” according to Ed Slott of Ed Slott & Co.
Every advisor, Slott told ThinkAdvisor Tuesday, “should be having this conversation with their clients. This may only last for the next three years (2023, 2024, and 2025). After that, tax rates are scheduled to revert back up to previous levels.”
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Suppose IRA owner leaves the account to a qualified conduit trust where both trust beneficiaries are minor children of the...
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