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Inherited Roth IRAs and Roth Conversions: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

Question: Am I correct to assume if I leave my Roth IRA to my 2 adult children, they will have to take all the money out by the end of year 10 and they will have NO taxes to pay on it because it is a Roth? They can take some out each year with NO taxes due, but have the option to leave it all in the account for 10 years, if they desire. Thank you! Louise
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The 3 IRA Beneficiary Categories – Again and Again and Again

This past week the Ed Slott team hosted another successful conference for our Elite IRA Advisor Group members. Well over 300 advisors from across the country descended on Washington D.C. for two days of intense IRA training. In addition to discussing all the newest SECURE 2.0 rules, we made sure to cover the foundational beneficiary principles created by the original SECURE Act, which went into effect in 2020. It is our steadfast belief – and our member advisors agree – the best way to learn new concepts is through repetition and reinforcement.
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Roth Conversion

Roth Conversion after 59 1/2, do you still have to abide by the 5 year rule for distributions?
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