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Age 50 Exception Question

When IRA or retirement plan assets are withdrawn prior to age 59 ½, an early distribution penalty of 10% applies - in addition to any taxes owed on the distribution. However, there are exceptions in some cases, including the age 50 exception. While SECURE 2.0 expands this 10% penalty exception for public safety workers, the new law also creates a question.
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SSA Newsletter

February 2023

SECURE 2.0: The Case of the Missing Mammoths

  • StaffSupport
  • Required Distributions Delayed ρ Higher and Highest
  • Mastering the Mystery
  • Tax Trimmers
  • Going for 70

Executive Summary

Advisor Mailbag

Calculating Social Security Benefits

GUEST EXPERT: Shelley Giordano,


SECURE 2.0 Allows Roth Employer Contributions in 401(k) Plans

Up to now, employer contributions to 401(k) (and other plans) had to be made to pre-tax accounts. One of the SECURE 2.0 changes already in effect allows employer contributions to be made to Roth accounts. Roth employer contributions are allowed in 401(k), 403(b) and governmental 457(b) plans. (In reality, 457(b) plans usually don’t have employer contributions to begin with.) Keep in mind that this covers employer contributions; many 401(k) (and other) plans already permit Roth employee contributions.
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