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SEP and RMD’s

Gang, I have an MD, 76 years old, continuing to work, and taking RMD’s from IRA annuity. After 72 he...
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New SECURE 2.0 10% Penalty Exceptions: Domestic Abuse & Financial Emergencies

SECURE 2.0 includes a number of new ways a person under the age of 59 ½ can access retirement account dollars while avoiding the 10% penalty. Historically, there have been more than a dozen ways to sidestep the extra charge. Things like first-time homebuyer costs, higher education costs and disability are all legitimate exceptions to the early distribution penalty. While taxes could still apply, the 10% penalty is off the table for eligible distributions. Here are two of the new “penalty-free access points” to both IRA and company plan retirement accounts made available in SECURE 2.0:
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