beverly deveny

Differences between 401(k), Roth 401(k) and Roth IRA

We are starting to get asked whether or not there are required distributions from Roth 401(k), Roth 457(b), and Roth 403(b) accounts. The answer is – Yes. Following is our chart that compares some of the features of Roth IRAs, Roth 401(k)s, and 401(k)s.

Reinvesting Your Required Minimum Distribution

You have inherited an IRA or you have turned age 70 ½ and now have to take required distributions (RMDs). But you don't need (a relative term of course) the money and you would rather not pay the tax on money you don't need. So what can you do? Click to find out.

When Is Your IRA Distribution Taxable?

It is year-end. Retirement account owners and beneficiaries are grappling with required distributions for 2013 and, in some cases, with missed distributions from prior years. When there is a missed distribution, we constantly get the question, “Do I have to do an amended tax return?” The answer is, “No.”Distributions from retirement accounts are taxable to the recipient in the year in which the funds come out of the account. Read more for some examples.

Aggregating Required Distributions

Not only are the holidays upon us, but it is time to make sure that required distributions (RMDs) from retirement plans are taken before year end (or before the cutoff date imposed by the IRA custodian). One question that comes up frequently is what RMDs can be added together. We answer this in detail below.

Detailing the Pro-Rata Rule

For IRA distribution purposes, all IRAs (except Roth IRAs) are considered one big giant IRA. It doesn’t matter if you have one IRA that was rolled over from a former employer, and one SEP IRA with your current employer, and one contributory IRA where you put annual contributions, and one after-tax IRA where you put contributions for which you do not take a deduction. All four IRAs will be considered one IRA any time you take a distribution.

Think Twice Before Naming a Trust as an IRA Beneficiary

Many individuals are advised by their attorneys to set up a trust. There are a lot of good reasons to have a trust. But you really have to think twice before naming a trust as the beneficiary of an IRA. Read that sentence again – think twice before naming a trust as the beneficiary of an IRA. When that happens, who is the beneficiary of the IRA? Click to find out.

How to LOSE an IRA in Divorce

I had an interesting question from an advisor. His married clients don’t like each other anymore. They have considered their options; stay together, get a legal separation, or get a divorce. They have decided to do none of these things.

What Does Your Will Mean to Your Estate?

Do you have a will? Most people who need one, realize that they need one. Most of those people actually do something about it and put a will in place for their estate. But what is your will really doing for you?

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